Annual lists of EN-MME-MM-authored publications


Effect of surface orientation on blistering of copper under high fluence keV hydrogen ion irradiation. A. Lopez Cazalilla, C. Serafim, J. Kimari, M. Ghaemi, A. T. Pérez Fontenla, S. Calatroni; A. Grudiev; W. Wuensch, F. Djurabekova. Acta Materialia

Picosecond pulsed 532 nm laser system for roughening and secondary electron yield reduction of inner surfaces of up to 15 m long tubes. E. Bez, M. Himmerlich, B. Beaudou, A. K. Reascos Portilla, S. Wackerow, M. Rimoldi, S. Pfeiffer, M. Wiesendanger, F. Benabid, M. Taborelli, A. Abdolvand and P. Chiggiato. Review of Scientific Instruments

Development and characterization of advanced coatings for high-energy physics applications. A. T. Pérez Fontenla, S. Leith, A. Moros, C. Pereira Carlos, S. Pfeiffer, E. Rodríguez Castro and G. Rosaz. IPAC23

RF characterisation of laser treated copper surfaces for the mitigation of electron cloud in accelerators. P. Krkotić, S. Calatroni, M. Himmerlich, H. Neupert, and A.T. Pérez-Fontenla, A. Abdolvand and S. Wackerow. IPAC23

Assessment of Two Advanced Aluminium-Based Metal Matrix Composites for Application to High Energy Physics DetectorsK. E. Buchanan, S. Sgobba, M. D. Celuch, F. Perez Gomez, A. Onnela, P. Rose, H. Postema, M. Pentella, G. Lacombe, B. Thomas, R. de Langlade and Y. Paquin. Materials

Influence of wavelength and accumulated fluence at picosecond laser-induced surface roughening of copper on secondary electron yieldE. Bez, M. Himmerlich, P. Lorenz, M. Ehrhardt, A. G. Gunn, S. Pfeiffer, M. Rimoldi, M. Taborelli, K. Zimmer, P. Chiggiato and A. Anders. Journal of Applied Physics


High intensity proton beam impact at 440 GeV/c on Mo and Cu coated CfC/graphite and SiC/SiC absorbers for beam intercepting devices. J. Maestre, C. Bahamonde, I. Lamas Garcia, K. Kershaw, N. Biancacci, J. Busom, M.I. Frankl,  A. Lechner, A. Kurtulus, S. Makimura, N. Nakazato, A. T. Pérez, A. Perillo-Marcone, B. Salvant, R. Seidenbinder, L. Teofili and M. Calviani. Journal of Instrumentation

Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties. F. Demattè , P. Bruzzone , X. Sarasola , S. Pfeiffer, E. Rodriguez Castro, G. De Marzi , and L. Muzzi. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Failure analysis of a heavy gauge fastener of the ITER toroidal field gravity support system. S. Sgobba, I. Aviles Santillana, K. E. Buchanan, M. D. Celuch, M. Crouvizier, A. T. Perez Fontenla, E. Rodriguez Castro, C. Beemsterboer, M. Liao, T. Schild, S. Han, J-M. Coulet. Fusion Engineering and Design

A metallurgical inspection method to assess the damage in performance-limiting Nb3Sn accelerator magnet coils. A. Moros, M. Crouvizier, I. Aviles Santillana, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, N. Lusa, J. Ferradas Troitino, A. Milanese, E. Todesco, A. Devred,G. Abrosio, M. Baldini, P. Ferracin, J. Schmalzle and G. Vallone. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Experiments to improve the performance of the GTS-LHC ECR ion source. T. Kövener, D. Küchler, E. Mahner, R. Scrivens, A. Baris, S. Pfeiffer, L. Mourier and W. Vollenberg. Journal of Physics

Enhanced radio-frequency performance of niobium films on copper substrates deposited by high power impulse magnetron sputtering. M. Arzeo, F. Avino, S. Pfeiffer, G. Rosaz, M. Taborelli , L. Vega-Cid and W. Venturini-Delsolaro. Superconductor Science and Technology

Reverse coating technique for the production of Nb thin films on copper for superconducting radio-frequency applications. D. Fonnesu, A. Baris , S. Calatroni, L. Lain Amador, S. Pfeiffer, G. Rosaz, M. Bonura and C. Senatore. Superconductor Science and Technology

Mechanical characterisation of Nb3Sn cable insulation systems at ambient and cryogenic temperature used for HL-LHC accelerator magnets. F. Wolf, A. Foussat, F. Lackner, S. Sgobba, M. Crouvizier, S. Canfer and S. Robertson. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Towards Ultra-Thin Detector Magnet Designs by Insulating Coil Windings with V2O3-Epoxy Composite. A. Vaskuri, B. Curé, A. Dudarev, M. Mentink, S. Pfeiffer and B. Teissandier. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low- Quadrupole MQXF. I. Aviles Santillana, G. Vallone, E. Anderssen, S. Izquierdo Bermudez, S. Bonnin, M. D. Crouvizier, R. Principe, S. Sgobba, K. P. Weiss, N. Bagrets, C. J. Huang and L. F. Li. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Efficient Combination of Surface Texturing and Functional Coating for Very Low Secondary Electron Yield Surfaces and Rough Nonevaporable Getter Films. M. Himmerlich, D. A. Zanin, M. Taborelli, A. R. Granadeiro Costa, P. Costa Pinto, L. Lain Amador, W. Vollenberg, A. Baris, E. Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, A. T. Perez Fontenla, S. Wackerow and A. Abdolvand. Advanced Materials Interfaces

Mechanical characterization of yarns made from carbon nanotubes for the instrumentation of particle beams at CERN. A. Mariet, A. T. Perez Fontenla, X. Gabrion, C. Salomon, R. Veness and M. Devel. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research


Punching of arbitrary face prismatic loops from hydrogen nanobubbles in copper. A. Lopez-Cazalilla, F. Djurabekova, F. Granberg, K. Mizohata, A. T. Perez-Fontenla, S. Calatroni and W. Wuensch. Acta Materialia

Application of Copper Thermal Spraying for Electrical Joints between Superconducting Nb3Sn Cables. V. D’Auria, P. Bruzzone, M. S. Meyer, E. Rodriguez Castro and S. Sgobba. Materials

Design of the third-generation lead-based neutron spallation target for the neutron time-of-flight facility at CERN. R. Esposito, M. Calviani, O. Aberle, M. Barbagallo, D. Cano-Ott, N. Colonna, T. Coiffet, C. Domingo-Pardo, F. Dragoni, R. Franqueira Ximenes, L. Giordanino, D. Grenier, F. Gunsing, K. Kershaw, R. Logé, V. Maire, P. Moyret, A. T. Perez Fontenla, A. Perillo Marcone, F. Pozzi, S. Sgobba, M. Timmins, and V. Vlachoudis.  Phys. Rev. Accelerators and Beams.

Electrodeposition of copper applied to the manufacture of seamless superconducting rf cavities. L. Lain Amador, P. Chiggiato, L. M. A. Ferreira, E. Garcia-Tabares, T. Koettig, M. S. Meyer, A. T. Perez-Fontenla, K. Puthran, G. Rosaz and M. Taborelli.  Phys. Rev. Accelerators and Beams

Experiments to improve the performance of the GTS-LHC ECR ion source. T. Kövener, D. Küchler, E. Mahner, R. Scrivens, A. Baris, S. Pfeiffer, L. Mourier and W. Vollenberg.  ICIS-2021 conference

Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties. F. Demattè, P. Bruzzone, X. Sarasola, S. Pfeiffer, E. Rodriguez Castro, G. De Marzi and L. Muzzi.  MT27 Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Flow and fracture of austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures. P. Fernández-Pisón, A. Rodríguez-Martínez, E. García-Tabarés, I. Avilés-Santillana and S. Sgobba.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) assisted diffusion bonding between CuCr1Zr and AISI 316L for application to the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) internal beam dump at CERN. S. Pianese, A. Perillo Marcone, F.-X. Nuiry  M. Calviani, K. Adam Szczurek, G. Arnau Izquierdo, P. Avigni, S. Bonnin, J. Busom Descarrega, T. Feniet, K. Kershaw, J. Lendaro, A. Perez Fontenla, T. Schubert, S. Sgobba and T. Weißgarber.  Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams


Improved film density for coatings at grazing angle of incidence in high power impulse magnetron sputtering with positive pulse. F. Avino, D. Fonnesu, T. Koettig, M. Bonura, C. Senatore, A.T. Perez Fontenla, A. Sublet, and M. Taborelli. Thin Solid Films.

Role of surface microgeometries on electron escape probability and secondary electron yield of metal surfaces. D. Bajek, S. Wackerow, D. A. Zanin, L. Baudin, K. Bogdanowicz E. Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, S. Calatroni, B. Di Girolamo. Scientific Reports

Vacuum electrical breakdown conditioning study in a parallel plate electrode pulsed dc system. A. Korsbäck, F. Djurabekov, L. Mercadé Morales, I. Profatilova, E. Rodriguez Castro, W. Wuensch, S. Calatroni, and T. Ahlgren. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

Optimization of the secondary electron yield of laser-structured copper surfaces at room and cryogenic temperature. S. Calatroni, D. Bajek, E. Garcia-Tabares Valdivieso, M. Himmerlich, H. Neupert, A. T. Perez Fontenla, M. Taborelli, S. Wackerow, and A. Abdolvand. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

High-performance thermal emitters based on laser-engineered metal surfaces. S. A. Zolotovskaya, S. Wackerow, H. Neupert, M. J. Barnes, L.Vega Cid, B. Teissandier, A. T. Perez Fontenla, and A. Abdolvand. Optical Materials Express

Effect of strain rate on tensile mechanical properties of high-purity niobium single crystals for SRF applications. J-F. Croteau, E. Pai Kulyadi, C. Kale, D. Siu, D. Kang, A. T. Perez Fontenla, E. García-Tabarés Valdivieso, T. R. Bieler, P. Eisenlohr, K. N. Solanki, D. Balint, P. A. Hooper, S. Atieh, N. Jacques, E. Cantergiani. Materials Science & Engineering

Design Optimization and Assessment of Fabrication of ITER Central Solenoid Twin Box Joints. I. Avilés Santillana, M. Guinchard, S. S. Lourenço, F. Motschmann, O. Sacristan de Frutos, S. Sgobba, A. Bruton, E. Gaxiola, P. Libeyre, T. Schild, P. Decool.  IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Examination and Assessment of Large Forged Structural Components for the Precompression Structure of the ITER Central Solenoid. S. Sgobba, I. Aviles Santillana, G. A. Izquierdo, P. Libeyre, T. Reagan and D. Hughes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Resistivity characterization of Molybdenum coated graphite-based substrates for the upgrade of the High Luminosity LHC collimators. C. Accettura, D. Amorim, S. A. Antipov, A. Baris, A. Bertarelli, N. Biancacci, S. Calatroni, F. Carra, F. Caspers, E. García-Tabarés, J. Guardia-Valenzuela, A. Kurtulus, A. Mereghetti, E. Metral, S. Redaelli, B. Salvant, M. Taborelli and W. Vollenberg. Coating Materials and Surface Treatments for Applications in Particle Accelerators (COVER PAGE - See image below)

In situ micro gas tungsten constricted arc welding of ultra-thin walled 2.275 mm outer diameter grade 2 commercially pure titanium tubing. L. Cooper, M. Crouvizier, S. Edwards, R. French, F. Gannaway, P. Kemp-Russell, H. Marin-Reyes, I. Mercer, A. Rendell-Read, G. Viehhauserg and W. Yeadon.  Journal of Instrumentation


Application of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) technology to diffusion bond refractory metals for proton beam targets and absorbers at CERN. J. Busom Descarrega, M. Calviani, T. Hutsch, E. López Sola, A. T. Pérez Fontenla, A. Perillo Marcone, S. Sgobba and T. Weißgärber. Mat Design Process Comm.

Assessment of Residual Stresses in ITER CS Helium Inlet Welds Fatigue Tested at Cryogenic Temperature. S. Sgobba,  I. A. Santillana, S. Langeslag, P. F. Pison, S. C.  Rivero, P. Libeyre, and K. Freudenberg. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

The Effect of Specific Manufacturing Characteristics on PF ITER Full-Size Joint Performance. P. Fernandez Pison, S.A.E Langeslag, I. Aviles Santillana, A. Dimitrijevic, S. Sgobba, Y. Ilyin, F. Simon and B. S. Lim. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

From manufacture to assembly of the ITER central solenoid, Fusion Engineering and Design. P. Libeyre, T. Schild, A. Bruton, C. Cormany, N. Dolgetta, E. Gaxiola, C. Jong, N. Mitchell, D. Evans, B. Levesy, V  Bedakihale, P. Garcia Sanchez, A. Mariani, R. Okugawa, W. Reiersen, N. Martovetsky, D. Everitt, D. Hughes, T. Reagan, K. Freudenberg, D. Hatfield, T. Chae, D. Vandergriff, S. Sgobba, I. Aviles Santillana, P. Decool, J.C. Vallet, F. Nunio.

Examination of ITER Central Solenoid prototype joints. I. Aviles Santillana, S. Sgobba, S. Castillo Rivero, P. Fernandez Pison, P. Libeyre, D. Everitt and N. Martovetsky. Fusion Engineering and Design

Post-mortem analysis of ITER CS helium inlets fatigue tested at cryogenic temperature. I. Aviles Santillana, S. Sgobba, S. Castillo Rivero, P. Libeyre, C. Jong, D. Everitt. Fusion Engineering and Design

Development of sputtered Nb3Sn films on copper substrates for superconducting radiofrequency applications. E. A. Ilyina, G. Rosaz, J. B. Descarrega, W. Vollenberg, A. J. G. Lunt, F. Leaux, S. Calatroni, W. Venturini-Delsolaro and M. Taborelli. Supercond. Sci. Technol.

Design of a high power production target for the beam dump facility at CERN. E. Lopez Sola, M. Calviani , P. Avigni, M. Battistin, J. Busom Descarrega, J. Canhoto Espadanal, M. A. Fraser, S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, D. Grenier, R. Jacobsson, K. Kershaw, M. Lamont, A. Perillo-Marcone, M. Pandey, B. Riffaud, S. Sgobba, V. Vlachoudis, and L. Zuccalli. Physical review accelerators and beams.

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