Focused Ion Beam - Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM)

The Focused Ion Beam in dual beam configuration with Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) is the most advanced electron microscope apparatus within the section. This system combines the use of the electron beam for imaging and analysis with an additional beam administering a high current of gallium ions (Ga+). This arrangement allows for an extension of analytical capabilities.


Detectors available:

  • Secondary Electron Emission Detector (SESI) - General imaging
  • Four cuadrant Backscattered Electron Imaging Detector (BSD)- Atomic weight contrast imaging
  • Inlens Backscattered Electron Imaging Detector (EsB)- Atomic weight contrast imaging
  • Inlens detector (Inlens) - High resolution topographical imaging at low working distance
  • Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) detector - Chemical analysis
  • STEM detector for high resolution imaging

System capabilities:

  • FIB deposition – Platinum (Pt) or carbon (C) can be deposited upon a specimen surface to protect an area of interest or as a bonding tool, i.e. for lamellae preparation
  • FIB milling – Utilisation of Ga+ beam allows for material removal providing visualization of features beneath the surface, e.g. cross-sectional analyses
  • FIB tomography – Through sequential FIB slicing and subsequent imaging through SEM or elemental mapping at each slice, a 3D volume can be reconstructed from micro to nano scale
  • Lamellae preparation through milling down to a fine specimen (~50 nm) – Preparations for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) within the FIB-SEM system or externalization of TEM analysis
  • STEM analysis

Mo coated MoGr block for target collimator

Mo coated MoGr blocks for target collimators

Further information and technical specifications of the equipment can be found here: XB540 

FIB-SEM in 376/R-014

FIB-SEM system in 376/R-014